Friday, January 31, 2014


If one is as light as a butterfly, one can easily be blown away by the wind.

We need to dream/ create goals for ourselves in life. But we cannot hold ourselves to those goals as they are guide to different stages of life. Once one has become too dependent on their dreams, they living in the clouds, hence they are light and easily blown away

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ones Weakness

One must take his weakness and make them into his strengths, they must also take their strengths and make them their weakness in order to be successful.

Most of us do not know our weakness but we stick with our strengths. What we do not know is that focusing on our weakness will strengthen them. Our strength can be visible many times and so can our weakness, which leaves us vulnerable. Those whom focus on their weakness have higher position than anyone and are more successful than too many. Also doing so, gives you two strength and thus gives one upper chance as most have one strength to lose and one will two.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Better Self: Through The Truth

" A person that only see things in their own eye cannot see in the eye of man"

As we are all driven by our inner drive, we survive by being able to be driven in light of man. When one man sees through his own eyes only, he's forsaken to not see the truth. Ones eye, ones mind allow him to only see things in his prospective and knowing this, should makes one realize that sometimes he has to battle himself for the sake of his better self.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Successful Living

"In order for one to live in light of society, one cannot live in light of self."

Everything that matters to one matter to him and only him where he is alone, Everything that matters to one man in society, matters not to the society for the real means of being social is finding what one has in common with society therefore living in harmony in the society. That a man finds his own self interest above all can only deem him not a part of society. He cannot cry that society will not absorb him, when did/ does not absorb the rules of the society he wish to be part of.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Finding New Self

"One must depart from self to find a new self."

Each of us have something "in our ways or attitude" we would like to change. We find most time that those change do not come and if one is able to change what is needed to change, the changes does not apply with everyone. One must change for himself first before changing in the eyes of the world for one is truly in control of what the world think of him (her). 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Give With Passion, Give With Care

Many give: knowledge, lessons, stories, charity, all their have. What is not realized is that all that you give mean less than what is gained. What is gain is the ultimate meaning to what you give. Give with the same passion; the same care as anything you love and what you give will be either more or the closest to what you give.

Don't just give, give with care.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Guidance To Achievements

There is guidance other than the mind, there is guidance beyond what we can see. Achieving life means that one has to let his mind wonder and his heart free. A wanderer finds what most cannot and a free heart is freer than the limit of man. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Weight of Life in Currencies

The concept that nothing is free is a concept that has become a danger to true living. When nothing is free, then everything is at a cost and when that is such, life will not be values upon the soul and the heart, nor by the blisters in the hand and the life of desire but in the currency one posses.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Limited to dimming men

We are the limit that we ourselves limit by limiting the functionality of our body and mind therefore limiting the flare of the soul.

Monday, January 6, 2014


Strength is not in the holding of what one has submitted to. Strength is the stairs one has built to step out of the hole one has faded into. Strength is not living in a hole where ones mind is captive. Strength is capturing the knowledge rightfully ones and taking it under the sun to that one can watch it grow. Strength is the fight for freedom of the mind, freedom in belief and not the restrain of others believes other convictions or others use of ones weakness to empower themselves.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Depending on others...

Content does not depend on your significant other or any one in significant. It solely depends on your ability to be content sole, to be content with another person is the icing on the cake.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

One One Fourteen

In the end of one revolution around the sun, brings life and hope to what is to come. As an ending brings beginning of a new, cherish the righteous and recollect the unpleasant. Be happy on this one one fourteen. Be content of success in leaving another year; be content to be here now.